copyright 1899; Thompson & Thomas publishers, Chicago; hardbound; very good condition with unmarked pages except for inside front: original owners signature (nice), stamp and label (pic); front board picture has minor rubbing (pic); no dust jacket.
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A novel by the American author, historian and Methodist minister whose tales (especially the Hoosier series) were very popular in their time.
"THE HOOSIER SCHOOL-MASTER" was written and printed in the autumn of 1871. It is therefore now about twenty-one years old, and the publishers propose to mark its coming of age by issuing a library edition. I avail myself of the occasion to make some needed revision, and to preface the new edition with an account of the origin and adventures of the book. If I should seem to betray unbecoming pride in speakng of a story that has passed into several languages and maintained an undiminished popularity for more than a score of years, I count on receiving the indulgence commonly granted to paternal vanity when celebrating the majority of a first-born. With all its faults on its head, this little tale has become a classic, in the bookseller's sense at least; and a public that has shown so constant a partiality for it has a right to feel some curiosity regarding its history...
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