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1958; William Morrow and Company publishers; hardbound; very good condition with unmarked pages; dust jacket very good with very minor wear.


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An account of the author's grueling, but ultimately successful, journey in 1957, through Africa's remote, primitive Kalahari Desert, in search of the legendary Bushmen, the hunters who pray to the great hunters in the sky.


Hounded by the races, black and white, that invaded southern Africa, the diminutive Bushmen have been driven deep into the waterless Kalahari Desert, leaving behind them a legend of Wild Men -- gay, gallant, mischievous, and to the end unrepentant and defiant. Colonal van der Post records his rediscovery of these outcast survivors of Stone Age Africa with their cave art, their spontaneous music making and their uncanny hunting skill.

THE LOST WORLD OF THE KALAHARI by Laurens van der Post

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